holistic consulting

creative/professional development and muse work
$125 per hour base

(contractual, package, student, and need-based discounts, and catalyst options available)

i offer intensely specialised professional and personal development services intended specifically for highly motivated and capable clients.

i make badasses bigger badasses.

career advancement
$85 per hour

$320 4 hour package

focused direction and insight for clients with specific short-term career goals (eg. advancement, changing fields)


holistic psychoanalysis
$100 per hour

for clients from adolescence and beyond - discover what blockages are in your way through empathic communication and query.


interior decor and personal style

decor and style consulting
$105 per hour

home consultation
$150 up to 3 bedrooms

$25 per additional bedroom

home/office organisation
$90 per hour (2 hour min)

maybe it’s that old sofa or the dingy paint in the bedroom, a kitchen in disarray, an office overflowing, or it’s your outdated and ill-fitting wardrobe (maybe it’s everything!) - something doesn’t feel right. i can fix that.

styling decor and wardrobes, and putting rooms right to make you feel at home.

visit my houzz pro page and Turner Design Firm’s page to see our projects and get some inspiration.

yoga instruction

private at-home instruction
$85 per hour

my goal is to see my students once a month.

no shit.

this is not a class taught in your livingroom. i help you find, feel, and know your proper alignment so that you will be able to grow your own private practice - whether at home, in class, or at the office… wherever you need it, you’ll have the ability to practice yoga!



many services are easily modifiable for virtual platforms

free initial consultation for all new clients

additional charges for travel may apply

contact me directly at jcwohl@gmail.com or 301-910-2006 to make an appointment